Programming Problems These articles lists commonly encountered programming interview questions and answers. The implementation language used is C++ and can be easily implemented in other languages like Java, Python etc. once the concepts are clear. Linked List Problems Reverse a linked list Add two linked lists like integer addition Check if linked list is a palindrome Linked list nth last element Find a loop in a linked list and identify the looped node String Problems Find the longest palindrome in a string Reverse words of a string using stack Reverse words of a string without using stack Find if two strings are anagrams Replace spaces in a string with %20 Compress a string Longest common sub-string problem Find the first occurrence of a unique character in a string Binary Search Trees (BST) Problems Find the least common ancestor of two nodes in a binary search tree Find the minimum and maximum depth of a binary search tree Print all paths in a binary tree Level order traversal of a binary search tree with a new line after each level Zig zag traversal of binary search tree Matrix Problems Transpose a matrix Rotate a matrix by 90 degrees Stack Problems Implement a minimum stack Number Problems Convert decimal number to binary string Convert decimal number to hexadecimal Convert binary string to decimal number Hexadecimal string to decimal conversion Primes below a given number Find the number occurring odd number of times Find next number from a permutation of digits Find a missing number from a sorted list Misc Problems Compute endianness Shuffle a pack of card
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