Terminology basics
Cryptography is associated with the process of converting ordinary plain text into unintelligible text and vice-versa.
Encryption is the process of taking plain text and scrambling it into an unreadable format of “cipher text.”
Decryption is the process of transforming data that has been rendered unreadable through encryption back to its unencrypted form
Key is a secret, like a password used to encrypt and decrypt data.
Symmetric Key Cryptography also known as secret key cryptography and the encryption and decryption process use the same key. Examples include AES, DES, 3DES etc.
Asymmetric Key Cryptography also knows as public key cryptography and uses two keys in which one key will encrypt and other key will decrypt. Examples include Diffie-Hellman, DSA, RSA etc.
Python cryptography includes both high level recipes and low level interfaces to common cryptographic algorithms such as symmetric ciphers, message digests, and key derivation functions.
Fernet (Symmetric Key) example
Fernet is an implementation of symmetric (also known as “secret key”) authenticated cryptography. Fernet is built on top of a number of standard cryptographic primitives.
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.scrypt import Scrypt import base64 encryption_key = "Test" passwd = "mypasswd" def encrypt(text): kdf = Scrypt(salt=encryption_key.encode(), length=32, n=2 ** 14, r=8, p=1) key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(kdf.derive(b"")) fernet = Fernet(key) return base64.b64encode(fernet.encrypt(str.encode(text))) def decrypt(enc): kdf = Scrypt(salt=encryption_key.encode(), length=32, n=2 ** 14, r=8, p=1) key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(kdf.derive(b"")) fernet = Fernet(key) decoded_str = base64.b64decode(enc) return fernet.decrypt(decoded_str).decode() def encrypt_with_passwd(text): kdf = Scrypt(salt=encryption_key.encode(), length=32, n=2 ** 14, r=8, p=1) key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(kdf.derive(passwd.encode())) fernet = Fernet(key) return base64.b64encode(fernet.encrypt(str.encode(text))) def decrypt_with_passwd(enc): kdf = Scrypt(salt=encryption_key.encode(), length=32, n=2 ** 14, r=8, p=1) key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(kdf.derive(passwd.encode())) fernet = Fernet(key) decoded_str = base64.b64decode(enc) return fernet.decrypt(decoded_str).decode() encrypted_string = encrypt("Hello") print("Encrypted string is " + str(encrypted_string)) print("Decrypted string is " + decrypt(encrypted_string)) encrypted_string = encrypt_with_passwd("Hello World") print("Encrypted string is " + str(encrypted_string)) print("Decrypted string is " + decrypt_with_passwd(encrypted_string))Output is:
Encrypted string is b'Z0FBQUFBQmdiQ3VIVG9UalpzR2s5MlBxV2I2U003d21Ba044RDZxelc3Z2JURGdmbXloSXNDeHM0RUtaQ2FvZHRYclBtOGpoVFdqSzA5NlpEZm5TVVlJb0VkY1Nza0VIMmc9PQ==' Decrypted string is Hello Encrypted string is b'Z0FBQUFBQmdiQ3VIbVRSOFF2LTJVQ0RLX05fT1BKcEhtSk5iWFcwWlB0eWRXZFhZWlk1OEV6NnJ2UHhlQkxlRHdmajRCUGVuUVBFdzlPbXdMS3hVa2x0dVZXX0U0c0VNaWc9PQ==' Decrypted string is Hello World
- salt (bytes) – A salt.
- length (int) – The desired length of the derived key in bytes.
- n (int) – CPU/Memory cost parameter. It must be larger than 1 and be a power of 2.
- r (int) – Block size parameter.
- p (int) – Parallelization parameter.
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