Decorator Design Pattern
- Useful, when you want to add capabilities (statically or dynamically) to an object without sub-classing the concrete object's class as well as not affecting other objects of the same concrete class.
Decorator Pattern Implementation
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class actor { public: actor() {} virtual void act() {} virtual string name() {} }; class actorConcretePerson: public actor { public: actorConcretePerson(string name) { mName = name; } void act() { cout << mName << " is acting" << endl;} string name() { return mName; } private: string mName; }; class actorCharacter: public actor { public: actorCharacter(string charName) { mCharName = charName; } void setActorPerson( actor *anActor) {mActor = anActor;} void act() { mActor->act(); } actor* getActor() { return mActor; } void actCharacter() { act(); cout << mCharName << " is the role" << endl;} string getCharName() { return mCharName; } private: actor *mActor; string mCharName; }; class actorCharacterTheif: public actorCharacter { public: actorCharacterTheif(string charName):actorCharacter(charName) { } void setTarget(string target) { mTarget = target ; } void steal() { cout << getActor()->name() << ", the " << getCharName() << ": Stole " << mTarget << endl; } private: string mTarget; }; class actorCharacterPolice: public actorCharacter { public: actorCharacterPolice(string charName):actorCharacter(charName) { } void setTrack(string track) { mTrack = track ; } void catchThief() { cout << getActor()->name() << ", the " << getCharName() << ": Cought " << mTrack << endl; } private: string mTrack; }; int main() { actor *cage = new actorConcretePerson("NicolasCage"); actor *travolta = new actorConcretePerson("JohnTravolta"); actorCharacterPolice *police = new actorCharacterPolice("Commissioner"); actorCharacterTheif *smuggler = new actorCharacterTheif("Smuggler"); actorCharacterTheif *robber = new actorCharacterTheif("Robber"); cout << "Basic concrete objects and methods..." << endl; cage->act(); travolta->act(); cout << endl << "Decorator objects and methods..." << endl; police->setActorPerson(travolta); smuggler->setActorPerson(cage); police->actCharacter(); police->setTrack(smuggler->getCharName()); police->catchThief(); smuggler->act(); smuggler->actCharacter(); smuggler->setTarget("Gold"); smuggler->steal(); robber->setActorPerson(travolta); robber->act(); robber->actCharacter(); robber->setTarget("Dollars"); robber->steal(); return 0; }Output:-
Basic concrete objects and methods... NicolasCage is acting JohnTravolta is acting Decorator objects and methods... JohnTravolta is acting Commissioner is the role JohnTravolta, the Commissioner: Cought Smuggler NicolasCage is acting NicolasCage is acting Smuggler is the role NicolasCage, the Smuggler: Stole Gold JohnTravolta is acting JohnTravolta is acting Robber is the role JohnTravolta, the Robber: Stole Dollars
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