Write a program to find least common ancestor (lca) of 2 nodes in a binary search tree
The approach:-- Starting from the root node.
- Check if the node key is between the two provided keys. If so, the current node is the least common ancestor.
- If the two provided keys are greater than the current node then recursively search the right sub-tree.
- If the two provided keys are less than the current node then recursively search the left sub-tree.
C++ program to find least common ancestor (lca) of 2 nodes in a binary search tree
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; // Node class class Node { public: Node() { mData = -1; mParent = NULL; mLeft = NULL; mRight = NULL; } ~Node() {} int data() { return mData; } void setData(int data) { mData = data; } Node* left() { return mLeft; } void setLeft(Node* left) { mLeft = left; } Node* right() { return mRight; } void setRight(Node* right) { mRight = right; } Node* parent() { return mParent; } void setParent(Node* parent) { mParent = parent; } private: int mData; Node* mLeft; Node* mRight; Node* mParent; }; // Tree class class Tree { public: Tree() { mRoot = NULL; } ~Tree() {} Node* root() { return mRoot; } void addNode(int data); Node* lca(Node* node, int data1, int data2); private: void addNode(Node* node, int data); private: Node* mRoot; }; void Tree::addNode(int data) { if ( mRoot == NULL ) { Node* tmp = new Node(); tmp->setData(data); mRoot = tmp; } else { addNode(mRoot, data); } } void Tree::addNode(Node* node, int data) { if ( data <= node->data() ) { if ( node->left() != NULL ) addNode(node->left(), data); else { Node* tmp = new Node(); tmp->setData(data); tmp->setParent(node); node->setLeft(tmp); } } else { if ( node->right() != NULL ) addNode(node->right(), data); else { Node* tmp = new Node(); tmp->setData(data); tmp->setParent(node); node->setRight(tmp); } } } Node* Tree::lca(Node* node, int data1, int data2) { if ( node ) { int data = node->data(); if ( data1 < data && data2 > data ) return node; else if ( data1 > data && data2 > data ) return lca(node->right(), data1, data2); else return lca(node->left(), data1, data2); } return NULL; } // Test program int main() { Tree* t = new Tree(); t->addNode(500); t->addNode(300); t->addNode(600); t->addNode(550); t->addNode(700); t->addNode(750); t->addNode(200); t->addNode(150); t->addNode(250); t->addNode(350); t->addNode(800); cout << t->lca(t->root(), 150, 350)->data() << endl; delete t; }Output:-
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