Write a program to check if a linked list is a palindrome
The approach:-- Solution for this problem is recursion with a reference to head node of the list.
- Whenever the recursive function returns compare the node values and move the reference to the next node.
C++ program to check if a linked list is a palindrome
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // General list node class Node { public: Node() { mData = -1; mNext = NULL; } ~Node() {} int data() { return mData; } void setData(int data) { mData = data; } Node* next() { return mNext; } void setNext(Node* next) { mNext = next; } private: int mData; Node* mNext; }; // General list class class List { public: List() { mHead = NULL; mCount = 0; } ~List() {} Node* head() { return mHead; } void setHead(Node* head) { mHead = head; } void append(int data) { Node* tmp = new Node(); tmp->setData(data); if ( mHead == NULL ) mHead = tmp; else { Node* ptr = mHead; while ( ptr->next() != NULL ) { ptr = ptr->next(); } ptr->setNext(tmp); } } void prepend(int data) { Node* tmp = new Node(); tmp->setData(data); tmp->setNext(mHead); mHead = tmp; } void print() { Node* ptr = mHead; while ( ptr != NULL ) { cout << ptr->data() << " "; ptr = ptr->next(); } cout << endl; } bool isPalindrome(Node*& n1, Node* n2) { if ( ! n2 ) return true; if ( ! isPalindrome(n1, n2->next()) ) return false; bool flag = ( n1->data() == n2->data() ); n1 = n1->next(); return flag; } private: Node* mHead; int mCount; }; int main() { List* l = new List(); l->append(100); l->append(200); l->append(300); l->append(400); l->append(300); l->append(200); l->append(100); l->print(); Node* n1 = l->head(); bool stat = l->isPalindrome(n1, n1); if ( stat ) { cout << "Linked list is palindrome" << endl; } else { cout << "Linked list is not a palindrome" << endl; } delete l; }Output:-
100 200 300 400 300 200 100 Linked list is palindrome
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