Write a program to add two linked lists like integer addition without additional data structures
For example, if list 1 contains values 1, 7, 5, 6 as its content nodes and list 2 contains 9, 9, 9 as its content nodes then resultant result is expected to have nodes 2, 7, 5, 5.
The approach:-- The first problem. The lists could be of variable lengths.
- The second problem. Integer addition happens from right to left. We cannot use any additional data structures like stacks.
- The third problem. We need to support carry.
- Easiest solution is to make the linked lists of equal size by pre-pending zeros to the shorter list.
- Implement a recursive function which keeps pushing a pair of elements till end of linked list is reached.
- On return of the recursive function sum the data elements and previous carry value if any. Also, return the new carry value for the next function call.
- Add the new sum element to the final list.
C++ program to add two linked lists like integer addition
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; class Node { public: Node() { mData = -1; mNext = NULL; } ~Node() {} int data() { return mData; } void setData(int data) { mData = data; } Node* next() { return mNext; } void setNext(Node* next) { mNext = next; } private: int mData; Node* mNext; }; class List { public: List() { mHead = NULL; } ~List() {} Node* head() { return mHead; } void append(int data) { Node* tmp = new Node(); tmp->setData(data); if ( mHead == NULL ) mHead = tmp; else { Node* ptr = mHead; while ( ptr->next() != NULL ) { ptr = ptr->next(); } ptr->setNext(tmp); } } void prepend(int data) { Node* tmp = new Node(); tmp->setData(data); tmp->setNext(mHead); mHead = tmp; } void print() { Node* ptr = mHead; while ( ptr != NULL ) { cout << ptr->data() << " -- "; ptr = ptr->next(); } cout << "NULL" << endl; } int size() { Node* ptr = mHead; int count = 0; while ( ptr != NULL ) { count++; ptr = ptr->next(); } return count; } private: Node* mHead; }; int addlists1(Node* node1, Node* node2, List* l3) { if ( node1 == NULL ) return 0; int carry = addlists1(node1->next(), node2->next(), l3); int val = carry + node1->data() + node2->data(); int carry1 = val / 10; int nodeval = val % 10; l3->prepend(nodeval); return carry1; } void addlists(List* l1, List* l2, List* l3) { int size1 = l1->size(); int size2 = l2->size(); int diff = size1 - size2; if ( size1 > size2 ) { while ( diff > 0 ) { l2->prepend(0); diff--; } } else if ( size2 > size1 ) { while ( diff > 0 ) { l1->prepend(0); diff--; } } cout << "After prepending zeros." << endl; l1->print(); l2->print(); int carry = addlists1(l1->head(), l2->head(), l3); if ( carry ) { l3->prepend(carry); } } int main() { List* l1 = new List(); l1->append(1); l1->append(7); l1->append(5); l1->append(6); List* l2 = new List(); l2->append(9); l2->append(9); l2->append(9); cout << "Initial lists." << endl; l1->print(); l2->print(); List* l3 = new List(); addlists(l1, l2, l3); cout << "Summed up list." << endl; l3->print(); delete l1; delete l2; }Output:-
1 -- 7 -- 5 -- 6 -- NULL 9 -- 9 -- 9 -- NULL After prepending zeros. 1 -- 7 -- 5 -- 6 -- NULL 0 -- 9 -- 9 -- 9 -- NULL Summed up list. 2 -- 7 -- 5 -- 5 -- NULL
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