Deque Introduction
- Deque is an abbreviation for double-ended queue.
- It is a data structure in which the elements can only be added or removed from front and back of the queue.
- A typical deque implementation support the following operations. Insert at front an element, insert at back an element, remove from back an element, remove from front an element, list the front element and list the back element.
- Simple method of implementing a deque is using a doubly linked list.
- The time complexity of all the deque operations using a doubly linked list can be achieced O(1).
- A general purpose deque implementation can be used to mimic specialized behaviors like stacks and queues.
- For example to use deque as a stack. Insert at back an element (Push) and Remove at back an element (Pop) can behave as a stack.
- For example to use deque as a queue. Insert at back an element (Enqueue) and Remove at front an element (Dequeue) can behave as a queue.
- Deque is also supported in C++ Standard Template Library.
Deque Implementation
EXAMPLE:- Implement a deque using doubly linked lists.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class DequeEmptyException { public: DequeEmptyException() { cout << "Deque empty" << endl; } }; // Each node in a doubly linked list class Node { public: int data; Node* next; Node* prev; }; class Deque { private: Node* front; Node* rear; int count; public: Deque() { front = NULL; rear = NULL; count = 0; } void InsertFront(int element) { // Create a new node Node* tmp = new Node(); tmp->data = element; tmp->next = NULL; tmp->prev = NULL; if ( isEmpty() ) { // Add the first element front = rear = tmp; } else { // Prepend to the list and fix links tmp->next = front; front->prev = tmp; front = tmp; } count++; } int RemoveFront() { if ( isEmpty() ) { throw new DequeEmptyException(); } // Data in the front node int ret = front->data; // Delete the front node and fix the links Node* tmp = front; if ( front->next != NULL ) { front = front->next; front->prev = NULL; } else { front = NULL; } count--; delete tmp; return ret; } void InsertBack(int element) { // Create a new node Node* tmp = new Node(); tmp->data = element; tmp->next = NULL; tmp->prev = NULL; if ( isEmpty() ) { // Add the first element front = rear = tmp; } else { // Append to the list and fix links rear->next = tmp; tmp->prev = rear; rear = tmp; } count++; } int RemoveBack() { if ( isEmpty() ) { throw new DequeEmptyException(); } // Data in the rear node int ret = rear->data; // Delete the front node and fix the links Node* tmp = rear; if ( rear->prev != NULL ) { rear = rear->prev; rear->next = NULL; } else { rear = NULL; } count--; delete tmp; return ret; } int Front() { if ( isEmpty() ) throw new DequeEmptyException(); return front->data; } int Back() { if ( isEmpty() ) throw new DequeEmptyException(); return rear->data; } int Size() { return count; } bool isEmpty() { return count == 0 ? true : false; } }; int main() { // Stack behavior using a general dequeue Deque q; try { if ( q.isEmpty() ) { cout << "Deque is empty" << endl; } // Push elements q.InsertBack(100); q.InsertBack(200); q.InsertBack(300); // Size of queue cout << "Size of dequeue = " << q.Size() << endl; // Pop elements cout << q.RemoveBack() << endl; cout << q.RemoveBack() << endl; cout << q.RemoveBack() << endl; } catch (...) { cout << "Some exception occured" << endl; } // Queue behavior using a general dequeue Deque q1; try { if ( q1.isEmpty() ) { cout << "Deque is empty" << endl; } // Push elements q1.InsertBack(100); q1.InsertBack(200); q1.InsertBack(300); // Size of queue cout << "Size of dequeue = " << q1.Size() << endl; // Pop elements cout << q1.RemoveFront() << endl; cout << q1.RemoveFront() << endl; cout << q1.RemoveFront() << endl; } catch (...) { cout << "Some exception occured" << endl; } }OUTPUT:
Deque is empty Size of dequeue = 3 300 200 100 Deque is empty Size of dequeue = 3 100 200 300
EXAMPLE:- Using the STL deque
#include <iostream> #include <deque> using namespace std; int main() { // Stack behavior using a STL deque deque<int> q; try { if ( q.empty() ) { cout << "Deque is empty" << endl; } // Push elements q.push_back(100); q.push_back(200); q.push_back(300); // Size of queue cout << "Size of deque = " << q.size() << endl; // Pop elements cout << q.back() << endl; q.pop_back(); cout << q.back() << endl; q.pop_back(); cout << q.back() << endl; q.pop_back(); } catch (...) { cout << "Some exception occured" << endl; } // Queue behavior using a STL deque deque<int> q1; try { if ( q1.empty() ) { cout << "Deque is empty" << endl; } // Push elements q1.push_back(100); q1.push_back(200); q1.push_back(300); // Size of queue cout << "Size of deque = " << q1.size() << endl; // Pop elements cout << q1.front() << endl; q1.pop_front(); cout << q1.front() << endl; q1.pop_front(); cout << q1.front() << endl; q1.pop_front(); } catch (...) { cout << "Some exception occured" << endl; } }OUTPUT:-
Deque is empty Size of dequeue = 3 300 200 100 Deque is empty Size of dequeue = 3 100 200 300
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